Zorangé’s First Endoscopy

Hi all HFHF friends,

Today started much the same, though we were all noticing it was already Wednesday. Time does fly by when you are involved and enjoying working with these wonderful people.

Duane’s first patient of the day was a perfect endoscopy candidate, having difficulty swallowing with food sticking on the way down as well as upper abdominal pain. The patient agreed without any hesitation. His daughter was brought in and she also agreed. She looked about 8 months pregnant but very healthy and beautiful. Our patient had not eaten or drank before coming to the clinic this morning, so we immediately started getting ready. Karina and Shirley were called in to start getting the patient prepped. Karina started the IV and got the patient positioned on the table with Nasson explaining everything to him in a calm and professional manner. I got the equipment and scope ready and working. Gerry and John were excited for us as they had been asking all their patients “the questions” for GI symptoms, in fact they have one for us tomorrow. Duane and I were ready to go so Shirley started the propofol and down went the scope. The patient had an ulcer and a stricture which was balloon dilated.

Yea! Zorangé’s first endoscopy procedure performed successfully and safely by Duane with Shirley doing a great job of sedation with Karina’s assist and with me assisting Duane. It was great team work! We hope to do many more. Starting a little primitive but will improve as time goes by.

Rita and young Sherly are assisting Deborah nonstop with ultrasounds on every pregnant mom, and Susan checks out every child that comes through.

Elade is everywhere and is always encouraging and positive. He translates, confirms, plays soccer, smiles, cares, and tells us to EAT!

After clinic young Sherly and Deborah did some more teaching, then 5 of the team headed for the river. They had a little excitement when they had some company, one who carried a rather large machete. But all was well and no harm done.

With only one more day of clinic we are all feeling our time here growing short. We are growing together in camaraderie and friendship.

Tonight watching the stars and moon in the beautiful sky thinking of family left at home but so grateful to be part of something that is changing such a tiny part of the world in such a momentous way. I’m thankful that we can pool our resources and talents, no matter how small we think they are, and pass on our blessings to the people of Haiti.

– Suzy

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