Sunday in Haiti – Update from Rebecca

Sunday here is beautiful for many reasons. Everyone dresses up in their finest to go to church and Sunday is a day of worship and rest. Hearing them pray and worship in church was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Their passion and love for the Lord is so evident; it is breath taking.  It reminded me of how wonderful and amazing our Savior is. It reminds me that we are all worshiping the same God and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter what language we speak, where we live or our heritage.

In their church service, there was lots of worship including children’s choir. These kids are AMAZING! They even asked us to sing as well (which was an experience in itself!) We sang “All in All” because we knew they knew the hymn and we did pretty well! Brett preached about Galatians 5:1-6 on the freedom we have in Christ. His sermon was wonderful and I loved hearing God’s word in multiple languages. Being here in Haiti has showed me how blessed I am and has reminded me how we are all unified as one family and one church, all having the same Father and living for the same purpose.

~Rebecca Pledger

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