We finally were able to get the internet up and running. We got to Zorange Sunday afternoon and after settling in had our first meeting with Myrlande, Wilner and Nasson. Over the course of our two weeks we are hoping to interview about 400 people for our health assessment for the upcoming clinic in Gandou. So far, we have had a great turnout. Monday we went to the market in Belamy where the people were very willing to give us their time in answering our questions, and we got the same reaction in Gorie. It was very exciting to see their enthusiasm for the new clinic and all that they are willing to do to make it happen.
Today and tomorrow we are able to relax! So far, we’ve eaten a great breakfast, had the best (and strongest) coffee you could ever imagine, and were given a tour of the school and clinic. It looks amazing! The school colors are so vibrant and lively and as I sit here in the computer lab I’m serenaded by the kids singing their school anthem 🙂 The clinic staff are so proud of all that they have accomplished and gave us a full tour of all their hard work.
Tomorrow, Nasson is taking us to the market! I know this will be an awesome experience and Julie and I are hoping to buy some cool stuff. So, while we are working hard, we are finding some time to soak up the beauty of Zorange. We wish you all could be here with us!!
Au revoir,
Ashley, Julie, and Marjorie 🙂