There are 3 of us on this trip experience Haiti for the first time and we wanted to share some of our thoughts. Port-au-Prince was hot, congested, and taking in the sights was overwhelming. The truck we took from the airport, lovingly known as “The Beast” brought us safely to Jacmel through the amazing mountains which are lush and green with palms trees scattered throughout the countryside. It was a relief to be at our first stop. The hotel there was beautiful and the sights breath-taking. None of were expecting the next leg of the trip and what that entailed. We knew we were going to cross the river, we didn’t know it actually meant IN THE RIVER. We crossed 14 times and the Jeep got stuck twice. We made it though and each of us is stronger for it 🙂 Meeting the people of Zorange was like seeing old family again. They were so welcoming with big smiles, kisses and hugs. Relief set in again. Arriving on the second day at the mobile clinic in Gandou brought several hundred people and a little bit of anxiety to us. How would we see all these people? How would we know who to see first? What if they needed further medical care? The anxiety was quickly washed away by our fearless leader and the others who supply such amazing leadership to this group. We did it. We saw the patients and left with our hearts filled with love for these amazing people that do and give so much with so little.