LIJAS players selected for Haitian National Soccer program

Good news from our Educational Director, Louis Adam:

Two players associated with LIJAS (HFHF’s league) were selected by the Haitian National Soccer program to undergo yearlong training. These two players are now in their training camp in Port-au-Prince. The program provides them with education, soccer training, room and board, entertainment, and everything they need. Only three players were selected from the southeast region; two of them came from our soccer program in Bainet. I am not sure of the extent of our involvement in this, but one thing is clear: we have been providing the youth with a venue through which they can  showcase their talent!

In other soccer news:

A girl’s soccer tournament began the last week in November and will run through December.

What is needed here?

It would be great to have a stateside team of volunteers whose sole focus is to develop the athletic program in Bainet.


The athletic program is behind schedule. The other disciplines (basketball, track and field, academic competitions) remain dormant. We need to revisit and revitalize the vision for athletics. Incorporating the other disciplines is a ‘must.’ Soccer benefits only a handful of boys and girls. The other disciplines will create opportunities for more students to get involved and develop their interests and talents. The ‘no-pass/ no-play’ is very effective and needs to involve more students.

How can I help?

Contact Louis Adam for more information:

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