Campbell’s Digital “Do-Gooders”

Campbell public health students are in Zorangé for two weeks as part of their global health experience. The students arrived Saturday to the usual craziness of the Port au Prince airport. This can be intimidating even for seasoned travelers. The ride thru Port au Prince is eye opening to a way of living that is far from most Americans’ imaginations, but soon the view opens up to the beauty of the mountains. Many of the students said they had not realized how beautiful Haiti is.

The Bainet guest house has been transformed to the jewel that those who have been there before knew it could be. We fell asleep after a great meal on the patio overlooking the Caribbean sea. Early the next morning we were off to Zorangé. Roads were slick from the frequent rain. Some of the team climbed out while the Jeep we affectionately call “The Beast” was pushed up the hill.

Sunday was a very busy day with a women’s ministry celebration at the church and a concert with dancing from groups of women from local churches.

Monday, it was off to work at Unifiee with some of the Campbell students digitizing student and staff records; some students worked on the electronic records that Dr. Tillman created last year. Both of these projects are valuable to the organization. Students from Unifiee will be able to have an official transcript, and teachers will have record of their employment. The electronic clinic record is a giant leap forward for the clinic and will allow registration, providers, and the pharmacy to record and pull data. We are excited to see progression in the digital world for our little pocket of Haiti.

Tuesday was a Vitamin A and distribution day. We walked up the hill to the St. Jacques school. During these trips we also give the children abendazole for intestinal worms. Both are important to decrease malnutrition and diarrheal illnesses. Rain prevented us from hiking to Doco to give Vitamin A and abendazole there, but we hope to be able to reschedule.

This past Friday was Flag Day. We watched the students practicing, and they are amazing! So far we’ve had a great time and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be in Haiti!

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